
Things you do that your cat does not like

Things you do that your cat does not like

With cats and their habits, well they can often do things so repeatedly that it becomes rute-like. They are the cute little creatures that love their family members, sleep on our lap and wag tail whenever we reach back home. They also have a bizarre gift in empathizing with other peoples emotions and their state of being. To this end, why do some cats feel crazy when we vacuum them too noisily or if that were courageous against animal-oriented of us pronounced a pleasing "meow"? BUT, - fair warning, they are very sensitive to your scents like you wouldn't believe.

There are other odors that can reach a level of concentration strong enough to stimulate stress responses in the short-term and furballs or seborrhea dermatitis on long exposure.

Below is a list of regular things that cats detest;


Cats can get allergic to your favourite fragrance A cats sense of smell is around 100 times more powerful than ours, so they can become easily swamped by the chemicals in our scents.


Nepetalactone is a type of chemical that has the most amount in cat nip. It has nicotine-like effects. We cat owners have a bit of an issue there makin you happy - if indeed you and your twig full o popsies were smuggled in from who knows where, by yer friend telling us "Sure! No mints, dill or basil oils.


Coffee, espresso flavor; vanilla or chocolate flavored foods All these are toxic to cats.

Ylang Ylang


Fine, it has a cute aroma and is generally loved by most of the felines. But your cat can be allergic to it as causing some skins irritation with cats.

All food

Cats are fussy eaters so while you may think it is a healthy diet full of raw or cooked fresh foods, they will not touch any part if the flavours have been made overpowering or with chemicals. If there are certain ingredients or specific foods causing flatus, you may want to use fewer ones with unique herbal flavors.


Cats should never be given alcohol of any kind. Your cat will not imbibe - whether that is your own glass of wine or beer, being served to a person; the distilling process has domesticated some cats to swill beer and wine. The reason being, your pet will vomit, and/or show symptom of alcohol toxicity.


Good source of fiber required for proper bowel movement, used in some herbal preparations helps the cat to shed hair faster. Some cats will even sneeze when they smell mints, ammonia and many other chemicals that are in air fresheners. Dr. John Marzluff, a professor of medicine in the University of Pennsylvania's School of Veterinary Medicine, responded that "cats don't like it because it smells anise and cloves."

Dog's smell

Dogs odors can be disgusting to cats because they share the smell of certain parts with that in feline urine contains, this is called Feliway spray, a cat repellent.


opening while your kitty's hiding in there, or panting on the shelves is bad business. That's even creepier when the door of your freezer is being opened and closed.

Cats themselves

Cats simply have a long list of things they do not like. Now some cats will sneeze, cough or hiss at you which means that cat does not like you. So if a cat goes on some kind of random attack in the houseor you, it is not that this feline has come to ask your help.